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(1)re-configuring or re-programming of a system to function in ways not facilitated by the owner, administrator, or designer.

(2)modification of a program or device to give the user access to features that were otherwise unavailable.

(3)often used to refer to more nefarious criminal uses such as identity theft.

(4)a continuous effort at identifying the nature of and components of a system.


(1)The extreme great good.


(3)Holy or sacred.

Hacking The Divine is a phrase that describes this blog's content. I will be considering the fourth definition of hacking, describing here historical efforts to understand the nature of the Divine. However, the first three previous definitions of hacking could also be relevant material for this blog, as they describe various attempts made to define God throughout history.

My chronicles of the search for the Divine throughout history will take into account both good behavior and bad behavior found as individuals or groups tried to impose belief systems (religions) on large populations.

So why do I bother to do this? Very simply, I hope to review and understand some of the best ideas in human history about what happens after we "die". Is it a transition to a better reality or do we just fade away? So far, I am having difficulty buying into the Christian idea of "Heaven" and "Satan". I have seen and read enough about the nasty side of fundamentalism to conclude that it is not healthy, whether in the Christian faith or in any religion, cult or political system.

I am searching for information about the nature of the next reality, if indeed there is one. And I do think there is. I came across an interesting spiritual movement in the first three hundred after Jesus lived. I am documenting the history of this group, collectively called "The Desert Fathers", in my blog The Desert Fathers. So far that is probably the best example I have found of pure individual spiritualism without contamination from or controlled by organized religions and dogma.

I welcome contributors and commentary to this blog. If you are interested in contributing let me know.

The Librarian
From the high mountains of southern Colorado
January 2011