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Ayahuasca: Vine of the Soul

"Typically, Ayahuasca induces powerful visions as well as hallucinations in all other perceptual modalities. Pronounced nonperceptual cognitive effects are also manifest. These include personal insights, intellectual ideations, affective reactions and profound spiritual and mystical experiences. Moreover, Ayahuasca may introduce those who partake of it to what are experienced as other realities. Those who consume the brew may feel that they are gaining access to new sources of knowledge and that the mysteries and ultimate truths of the universe are being revealed to them. All this is often coupled with what Ayahuasca drinkers describe as an encounter with the Divine."...Biblical Entheogens: a Speculative Benny Shanon
"People who have consumed ayahuasca report having massive spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight as how to be the best person they possibly can.... This is viewed by many as a spiritual awakening and what's often described as a rebirth.... In addition it is often reported that individuals can gain access to higher spiritual dimensions and make contact with various spiritual or extra dimensional beings who can act as guides or healers.... It's nearly always said that people experience profound positive changes in their life subsequent to consuming ayahuasca... and it is often viewed as one of the most effective tools of enlightenment.... However, during an ayahuasca experience, people sometimes report nausea, diarrhea, and cold flashes. Additionally, vomiting almost always follows ayahuasca ingestion; this purging is considered by many shamans and experienced users of ayahuasca to be an essential part of the experience as it represents the release of negative energy and emotions built up over the course of one's life.... There are many reports of miraculous physical as well as emotional and spiritual healing resulting from the use of ayahuasca.... There are no yet known long-term negative effects...."...Ayahuasca (Wikipedia)
"Ayahuasca is not something to play with. It may even kill, not because it is toxic in itself, but because the body may not be able to stand the spiritual realm, the vibrations from the spirit world. Pablo said he had several frightening experiences with ayahuasca. Three times he thought he was going to die.*
One needs courage, a strong discipline, and to proceed by degrees. It is a long process that might take two or three years before one can venture into the higher realms. One needs a teacher that shows the correct procedures, and how to defend oneself against supernatural attack. But after some time, one needs to continue alone, because even one's teacher might become jealous of one's progress and could take away all one has learned.
*Frightening ayahuasca experiences are quite frequent. It is common that people take ayahuasca only once, and are afraid to take it again.
...From Ayahuasca Visions by Luna and Amaringo"
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